Release Notes
Gitbox 1.6.2 April 19, 2012
- Improved performance of updates of git state (stage, branches, commits and submodules).
- Fixed bug when cloning from a URL with spaces.
- Fixed several error messages.
- Fixed bug with submodule paths containing spaces.
- Fixed commit cherry-picking and merging from the search mode.
- Fixed bug with launching FileMerge after installing Xcode 4.3 and removing /Developer folder.
- Prevented window activation when minimized and repository optimization kicks in.
- Fixed window activation when clicked through after closing FileMerge window.
- Improved error messages for merge failure.
- Gitbox on App Store has version 1.6.3 to enable installation when you already have 1.6.2 free build installed. Substantially, 1.6.3 is the same as 1.6.2.
Gitbox 1.6 February 17, 2012
- Zero-configuration submodules: one-click download and reset.
- Submodules are intelligently reset when pulling or switching branches in the parent repository.
- Editable repository names (Gitbox keeps an alias without changing the actual folder name.)
- Automatic repository optimization in background.
- Tags are sorted in natural order and with respect to version numbers.
- When a file is added to ignore list, it is also untracked (git rm --cached).
- Warning is displayed when trying to make a commit when no branch is selected.
- Single Preferences window with Git configuration, ignored files, "Clone from Github" checkbox etc.
- Fixed bugs and crashes in authentication session.
- Fixed performance bug with frequent stage updates (high CPU consumption).
- Fixed bugs with preserving stage selection and scroll offset when stage is reloaded.
- Fixed bug with text fields in repository settings (value was not stored immediately)
- Fixed a bug with trimming whitespace from .gitignore
- Fixed link highlighting: now all kinds of schemas are recognized including rdar:// (Lion-only).
- Fixed several text labels and error messages.
- Fixed an annoying bug in search field (when space is entered, all text was selected)
- Fixed bug with presenting files containing ":" and other URL-unfriendly characters.
- Fixed bug with staging file names beginning with dash ("-")
- Fixed bug with multi-line commit messages. Messages are recorded as-is. Prewrapped messages are intelligently unwrapped when displayed.
- Fixed bug with ignoring a file when .gitignore does not exist (file was not added to .gitignore).
- Fixed bug with title duplication in the branch menus.
- Fixed merge --no-ff option. Gitbox shows no-ff merge commits and respects “mergeoptions” in .git/config.
- Fixed sidebar alignment bug.
- Fixed sidebar spinner color and animation.
- Gitbox on App Store has version 1.6.1 to enable installation when you already have 1.6.0 free build installed. Substantially, 1.6.1 is the same as 1.6.0.
Gitbox 1.5.2 October 31, 2011
- Fixed more incompatibility issues on Snow Leopard.
Gitbox 1.5.1 October 30, 2011
- Added integration with DiffMerge.
- Fixed crash in settings when config file contains key without a value.
- Fixed incompatibility issue on Snow Leopard with older libcurl library.
- Fixed bug when empty .gitignore is created after changing repository settings.
Gitbox 1.5 October 26, 2011
- Undo/Redo for commit, push, pull and merge.
- Sidebar progress indicators for push, pull, fetch and clone.
- Stage All menu command with Command+Shift+Return shortcut.
- Highlighted links in commit messages.
- Support for "Clone in Mac" button on Github (github-mac://).
- Single view for editing branches and tags.
- Reverting commits with a right-click.
- Menu item "Show File History" which shows all the commits relevant to a selected file.
- Files are sorted in natural order (2.txt comes before 10.txt)
- Support for both overlay and legacy scrollbars in OS X Lion.
- Updated bundled Git to version 1.7.7
- Now stash moves away untracked files as well as modified ones.
- Menu command for removing all stashes.
- Added "Optimize Repository" button to repository settings (aka "git gc").
- Commit button is disabled when no branch is selected.
- Improved stability of the stage view.
- Fixed bug with menu item for opening multiple Xcode projects.
- Fixed bug with remembering window and sidebar sizes on OS X Lion.
- Fixed bug with committing or restoring removed files.
- Fixed rare crash when extracting a file from history.
- Fixed rare bug with incorrect user picture loading.
- Fixed crashes in history parser.
- Fixed crash when trying to launch missing diff tool.
- Fixed multiple animation bugs on Lion.
- Fixed issues with automatic expantion of groups in the sidebar.
- Fixed opening diff for added files.
Gitbox 1.4 June 7, 2011
- Adding tags to commits. Tags are displayed in the history and commit views.
- Colored corners for commits (useful when searching for a regression, think “git bisect”).
- Rebase command and continue/skip UI in case of conflict.
- Stash and apply stashed changes.
- Reset stage changes (git reset --hard).
- Reset branch to selected commit. Stashes local changes before performing operation.
- New branch checkout from selected commit.
- Merge selected commit (which also lets you perform partial pull).
- Open Xcode Project menu item.
- Main menu redesigned, added contextual menu to the list of commits.
- Fixed search bug: in some repositories search was returning no results because of a UTF-8 decoding bug.
- Fixed rare crashes when deleting repository from disk.
- Fixed crash when FileMerge is not found or OS was reinstalled.
- Fixed bug with stage changes not updated properly.
- Adding and removing items from stage is always forced. Fixes an issue with removing ignored files.
- Tag name was not displayed in the branch menu when tag is checked out.
Gitbox 1.3 May 19, 2011
- Full history search: find commits by metadata, file name and even text in the diff.
- Force push to replace remote branch head with current commit (hold Cmd+Shift before pressing “P” or push button)
- Improved scrolling performance of the list of commits.
- App is not terminated when the main window is closed. Window can be retrieved by clicking an icon in the Dock or “Main Window” menu item.
- Fetch menu item gets Option+U shortcut, fetches from all remote servers (same for toolbar item).
- Stage selection is now correctly preserved in presence of partially staged files.
- Fixed crash when Cmd+Z was pressed outside of any text field.
Gitbox 1.2.5 May 14, 2011
- HTTP authentication and fully redesigned authentication UI.
- Applying pull, push and other actions to multiple repositories at once.
- Clone dialog displays progress status.
- Initial launch and autofetch performance improvements.
- Many improvements in launching and monitoring git tasks. Fixed file descriptor consumption issues and random crashes. Activity window (cmd+0) displays tasks in real time.
- Several enhancements to right-click menus in sidebar.
- Clone dialog remembers last entered URL.
- New commits are fetched when you start typing a commit message, so you can pull before making a commit.
- Sidebar badge shows the total count of nonpushed and nonmerged commits when it is bigger that 999.
- Renamed and copied files which were also modified now display "modified" status instead of "renamed" or "copied".
- Scrollbars disappear when scrolling is finished.
- Error alerts are presented in sheets.
- Authentication dialog and error alerts are not displayed for background updates.
- Optimized package size for App Store build (70 Mb -> 10 Mb)
- Performance fix when staging and commiting quickly.
- Fixed bugs related to filesystem events: sometimes modified files did not appear in the stage, now they always do.
- Fixed several bugs with staging partial files, reverting multiple files and other actions in stage.
- Fixed commit message wrapping; now multi-line commits are rendered correctly.
- Fixed staging when clicking on a message field: now Gitbox does not stage selected files when you navigate to the message field. Use Cmd+Return shortcut to stage selected changes and jump to the message field.
- Fixed crash when staging or unstaging more than 4096 files.
- Fixed rare crashes when Gitbox updates list of remote branches.
- Fixed spellchecker configuration in the commit message text field.
- Fixed license check when cloning a repository.
- Fixed various issues with authentication and Keychain.
- Fixed toolbar items presentation when sheet is closed. (In rare cases buttons could remain disabled.)
- When window is closed, click on a dock icon brings it back even if the app is active.
Gitbox 1.2 January 29, 2011
- Reordering and grouping repositories.
- Quick Look for files on stage and in the history.
- New right pane design with a person picture.
- New commit dialog.
- Checkout arbitrary commit from history.
- New toolbar button for adding new groups and repositories.
- Activity spinner is now displayed in sidebar.
- More robust and less obtrusive autofetch.
- Cmd+Up and Cmd+Down in commit dialog now go through the entire git history instead of the recently entered messages.
- Fixed bug with autofetch: autofetching was stopping after several hours of running app.
- Fixed behavior of branches with slashes (e.g. “oleg/feature1”) and dots (e.g. “v1.2”) [reported by Christian van der Leeden, Falk Hoppe]
- Fixed history view resizing.
- Fixed text rendering in the sidebar and history views.
- Fixed the temporary file names when opening a diff tool.
- Fixed various bugs with fetching and updating locale and remote branches.
- Fixed tooltip rendering in sidebar.
- Fixed right-click menu target in sidebar.
- Fixed Araxis binary name (araxis -> compare).
- Fixed keyboard navigation: do not jump to stage pane when it is empty.
- Fixed presentation of repostories and files while dragging.
- Fixed “Revert...” command in the stage panel.
- Fixed bug with repository path which prevented from adding changes to stage in some scenarios.
- Fixed potential issues with updating repository when it was moved or renamed.
- Fixed issue with filtering in Activity window (cmd+0).
- Fixed issue with cloning using local network URL (e.g. “oleg.local:myproject/repo.git”)
- Fixed bug with dragging files and folders to Terminal: now drops a full path instead of file:// URL
- Fixed an issue with history: when commit message contains invalid UTF-8 sequence, it is replaced by a special character � instead of invalidating the whole history data.
- Fixed bug with storing password in Keychain: now if password is incorrect, Gitbox asks again instead of using saved value.
- Passwords are saved in Keychain with URL-specific names.
- Terminal window is now opened in front. Path with spaces are handled correctly.
- License window fixes: buy button is hidden when license is correct. Multiple windows are disallowed.
- Right branch menu now displays current local branch and renders it as disabled.
Gitbox 1.1 December 7, 2010
- Numeric badges in the sidebar show total number of non-committed changes, non-pushed and non-merged commits for the current branch.
- Drag and drop for sidebar and stage.
- Drag and drop files from history.
- Drag a copy of a deleted file from stage.
- More diff tools: BBEdit, TextWrangler, Araxis Merge.
- Navigation between columns with left and right arrows.
- Full SSH support: hosts are added to known_hosts after confirmation, passwords and keys protected by passphrases are supported.
- Redesigned list of changes: file icons, better font size.
- Improved performance of jumping through the list of repositories and commit messages.
- Reduced the size of an archived app from 60 Mb to 9 Mb.
- Bundled Git updated to version (the latest release).
- Fixed crashes, freezes and infinite spinning for some repositories when pulling
- Fixed software updates: menu button was not always working. Reported by Tom Martin.
- Fixed appearance of the license panel on startup and issue with refreshing the repo. Reported by @mqt.
- Fixed bug with regular fetching: now all repos will be up to date regularly.
- Fixed stage appearance when all repositories are deselected.
- Fixed: commits were marked as non-pushed when there is no remote branch.
- Fixed display of message label in a commit prompt.
- Fixed a bug with "file is outside of directory" when working with a recently cloned repository.
- Fixed a bug with opening a trashed repo after restarting Gitbox.
- Sidebar width now remains fixed while resizing the window.
- Fixed: after editing .gitignore, the stage was not updated immediately.
Gitbox 1.0 November 27, 2010
- Single window with a list of the repositories in the sidebar.
- Clone a local or remote repository.
- Git 1.7.1 binaries are bundled with application (see also Gitbox / Legal Info).
- Added support for (you should install chdiff executable).
- Release notes window (Help / Release Notes).
- Extract any file from the history.
- New menu item to fetch the latest changes (without merging into the current repository).
- Light scrollbar for the history view.
- Repository status is updated automatically on file system changes. You can work with Terminal and Gitbox at the same time.
- Pull-push button is replaced with a single "Merge" button if the local branch is selected in the Other Branch menu.
- Window title contains the parent folder name to disambiguate repository location.
- Welcome screen to clone a repo or open a folder.
- When the changed file is double-clicked, only the diff program is launched. If the file is untracked, added or deleted, diff is not launched.
- Multiple repositories can be opened at once using an Open Panel.
- New repository is now created without an initial commit.
- Before you make the first commit, Gitbox asks for your name and e-mail and stores them in ~/.gitconfig (default values are taken from the Address Book).
- Fixed crashes related to clicking on changes in the stage view.
- Fixed sorting order after updating the list of changes.
- Fixed crashes and bugs when the repository is moved, renamed or deleted.
- Fixed a crash when showing file paths with escaped characters (quote, double quote, backslash etc).
- Spinner now does not spin indefinitely.
- Fixed right-click selection in the list of changes.
- Fixed a loss of selection in stage view on stage/unstage.
- Enabled UTF-8 paths by writing to ~/.gitconfig core.quotepath = false (can be overriden by local .git/config files)
- Edit Servers dialog selects the current server in the list.
- Fixed diff tool selection in Preferences.
- Fixed "Error: file not found" message in Preferences.
- Brach tracking is handled only with the standard git-config mechanism.
- Commit button is enabled only when there is something to commit.
- Fixed bugs with the list of changes in a pristine repository.
- The first public beta of Gitbox (0.9) was released during WWDC’10 on June 21, 2010.